Monday, April 15, 2013

Evans' Catch Up

Holy Cow things have been a little crazy around here....
  • We are now in the New House and unpacking and renovating like fools 
  • Our little Duncan passed away (ukkk - nope still can't write about it - probably better that way. How about he went to the 'farm')
  • I am now the Cash Manager at Purdue
  • Levi is now the GENERAL Projects Manager at Purdue YEAH!!! By far the youngest PGM Purdue has ever had. Although they call him 'green' to be politically correct.
  • Nephi had surgery on his ears
Dining Room - may be my favorite room

Kitchen - Putting in Slate floors and adding new appliances

Play Room - YEAH!!!

    Pulled carpet and now staining the floors

    I will post pictures from all our other events shortly.

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