Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kelly & Reni's Wedding

Kelly (Levi's dad) and Reni got married in the LDS temple on Valentine's Day and they had a reception on Friday night in Lafayette.
We ran home from work and got dressed (twice-don't ask) before venturing out with a sick little man and Ms. Dancing Shoes Clairana.
It was a good time but we had to call it a night early because Nephi was really struggling with not feeling well and needing his breathing treatment.

Tifni & Mikie

Tif & I with the kiddos

Mr. Jeriko (Tifni's other son)


My Mama & Clairana dancing....Since these past few years have been really hard on our family
 I am really trying to do a better job of taking pictures of my mom.
She is a beautiful woman who I love dearly and a lot of times she is behind the camera.

The Bride - Reni - with Mr. Nephi

First Dance

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