Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Disney On Ice

Last weekend, we went to see Disney On Ice
which we had put in Clairana's stocking for Christmas.
We had an alright time, she was really excited to see all the characters and
Nephi was clapping most of the show. 
The only downfall was that earlier that morning, Levi had taken Clairana to Urgent Care for what we thought was pink eye but ended up being an infection in her eye from strep throat -
So..... neither of the kiddos was feeling up for a big adventure.

Lately she has been in to Tinkerbell so when all the fairies came out she starting yelling
"Daddy Daddy see the Fairies!" Adorable.

Oh and Bullseye from Toy Story was a big hit too.

Toy Story



Waiting on Popcorn

Before Nephi dumped the whole bag of Popcorn

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