Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I am just falling completely in love with this lady all over again....well except for the temper but I am sure she gets that honest.

She has been having these full conversations with herself and playing mine and Levi's roles of asking and answering her own questions - adorable! She now is using her imagination and will bring us different colored birds or monsters.

Here is the best one so far....

Last night, we are sitting down to dinner and Clairana always wants to say the prayer alone now.
Here is how it went:

Heavenly Father thank you for food, thank you for mama and daddy, thank you for Nephi, thank you for my baby sister. Jesus Christ Amen.

BABY SISTER?? Levi and I choked and then laughed it off.

Crazy little lady. Funny thing is I have never heard her even say sister and she never calls Nephi baby brother.

I guess time will tell maybe this lady knows more than we do.

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