Monday, March 21, 2011


It is amazing how time really does fly by with your little one.

This crazy one's update -

  • Chasing (in her walker) & growling at the basset hounds
  • Loves riding on our shoulders
  • Eating everything
  • Loves the words Ukk Ooh and Peek-a-boo
  • Thinks it is completely funny to shred paper
  • Still wakes up laughing and talking to us at 3ish in the morning
  • Pushes the dog bowls a crossed the room during their dinner time (they are becoming so patient with her)
  • Ripping the hand towels off of the oven handle right after I had nicely folded them
  • Oh and the best - she now LAUGHS when we say NO - yep that is fabulous.
  • Throwing clean clothes off of the couch
  • LOVES her binkie - yep she officially has her first addiction - I am going on a mommy only vacation when that habit needs to be broken. Great job for Uncle Nicky - he can relate!
  • Still hates her car seat
  • Doesn't like wearing a coat (one of the reasons it is good she is not a Hoosier, just yet)
  • Patting everyone - people and animals
  • Waves her hands with all emotions - happy and sad
  • Has not started crawling (instead she rolls to her back and pushes with her heals to get somewhere)
  • Crazy about jumping
  • LOVES water, bubbles, splashing, water, water did I mention water! (Again may be a good thing she is a Washingtonian)
Amazing how full your heart can be.....

** Her eyes are changing - no longer blue! I am thrilled to say that they are started to look green! I take 100% of that-finally something from me. Time will tell.....

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