Thursday, March 31, 2011

1st Family Bike Ride

Testing out the new helmet
Stuffed her with snacks, toys, water - everything to have a great time
Adorable! See the pillows on the sides, in case she decides to fall asleep
Rain Shield for Washington!
Duncan & Dharma very excited (not knowing what they are in for)
My NEW bike!
Levi's NEW bike!

We had a great time, the bassets need some training so we have only been going around the small loop and then taking them home. Clairana really did enjoy it and didn't mess with the helmet at all. She fell asleep on the way back to the house. Can't wait for summer!

So far we have been trying to make this a nightly routine to have a bike ride and get out with her, we will see how the weather holds up. I can tell you that Levi and I have both been complaining about our butts getting used to riding a bike again.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Exciting Surprise

The past few weeks, Levi and I have been window shopping for bikes and a child trailer for Clairana of course! Anyways, they are around 400 to 500 bucks!

We have been saying how great it would be to bike around Mt. Baker during the summer and it seems that several people bike in the Northwest.

So, Levi called me today at work and gave me an excuse about having to purchase plans for work which would cost around $150 and he wanted to make sure it was okay...of course I said (thinking I hope we get reimbursed)

Anyways, we got home from work and after about 30 minutes of talking about bikes again, Levi asked if I would help him get somethings from outside.


It actually doubles as a stroller and Levi so nicely pointed out rather quickly - baby number two could fit in too! Or maybe just Dharma.
He got this from a family that only took it on a 12 mile ride and never used it again - $150!
We had to take a nightly stroll to try this new toy out, it has a front wheel so we can use it as a stroller or attach it to our bike and tow behind. Can't wait!
Now I am sure we will be getting bikes this weekend...stay tune for pictures!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fairhaven Stroll

On Sunday, after church we enjoyed the first day of Spring and headed out to the boardwalk in Fairhaven. Although it was a little windy - being by the water was great.

Fairhaven has a European atmosphere with courtyards, outdoor cafes, art galleries, local artists, quaint specialty shops and restaurants for shopping, dining and exploring.
There is also a transportation port for ferries departing to Alaska, and the San Juan Islands.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Play Date

We think she is trying to kiss him!

Finn is always So Happy

Love Clair's face in this one!

On Saturday night, we were invited to the DeMent household for dinner, Levi used to work with Cory at Colacurcio Brothers. They were both dads-to-be in the office last year.

Their little Finnegan (Finn) turned one in February so the night was hilarious seeing Finn & Clair interact with each other.

We may have gotten a little carried away with the pictures.

*We stayed past bedtime so I ended up putting Clairana in her pajamas- don't worry I do actually dress my child before going out - well most times.....

Thanks for the great night DeMent Family!

Monday, March 21, 2011


It is amazing how time really does fly by with your little one.

This crazy one's update -

  • Chasing (in her walker) & growling at the basset hounds
  • Loves riding on our shoulders
  • Eating everything
  • Loves the words Ukk Ooh and Peek-a-boo
  • Thinks it is completely funny to shred paper
  • Still wakes up laughing and talking to us at 3ish in the morning
  • Pushes the dog bowls a crossed the room during their dinner time (they are becoming so patient with her)
  • Ripping the hand towels off of the oven handle right after I had nicely folded them
  • Oh and the best - she now LAUGHS when we say NO - yep that is fabulous.
  • Throwing clean clothes off of the couch
  • LOVES her binkie - yep she officially has her first addiction - I am going on a mommy only vacation when that habit needs to be broken. Great job for Uncle Nicky - he can relate!
  • Still hates her car seat
  • Doesn't like wearing a coat (one of the reasons it is good she is not a Hoosier, just yet)
  • Patting everyone - people and animals
  • Waves her hands with all emotions - happy and sad
  • Has not started crawling (instead she rolls to her back and pushes with her heals to get somewhere)
  • Crazy about jumping
  • LOVES water, bubbles, splashing, water, water did I mention water! (Again may be a good thing she is a Washingtonian)
Amazing how full your heart can be.....

** Her eyes are changing - no longer blue! I am thrilled to say that they are started to look green! I take 100% of that-finally something from me. Time will tell.....

Friday, March 18, 2011


This one is for my mom - she was very sweet and sent me scrubs this past week - so I didn't have to spend forty bucks for a costume.

This past Wednesday, I was part of a leadership meeting for our Primary teachers for Church. The theme was "Listen with your Heart" and I dressed up as Nurse Heart to check the teacher's five sense.

Anyways, it went over pretty well - amazing how after you speak in church on Sunday, nothing else seems as intimidating. So thanks mom for the costume - as you can see it fit PERFECT! Miss you.

Our Little Nature Lover

Hmmm... what does this taste like - weird texture.
Pretty good actually seems I tried to bite it!
Then mama took it away followed by an emotional breakdown.

Yesterday, Clairana & I took a walk around the block and she found a treat on the way up the driveway - a pine cone. So, of course we had to take it inside and well at least taste it a few times before bed time.

To Crawl or not To Crawl

Here is wonderful Daddy trying to encourage.

Now, Dharma trying to help.....

Trying to entice with shiny objects, food, dogs, toys - nope.

This little lady has really no desire to crawl - which most days we are very grateful for this! We have been trying to practice and now she has started to get up and start rocking. She would much rather hold your hands and walk or just sit.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More from Pappy's Trip

More pictures from Kelly's trip to Mount Baker and the Baker Lodge.

The picture from the woods is actually a picture of several Elk we saw on the way down the mountain!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Cadillac Carseat

Well, she is officially getting bigger. We had to upgrade to a new car seat - who would have thought you had so many options. So here it is - large and in charge. I don't know how we would ever fit two of these in our truck with the basset hounds too.... I guess we don't have to worry about that for awhile anyways.

She seems to like it - probably because she doesn't have to suck in when we put her in it!

Walk in the Woods

Today, we decided to take a stroll in the rain with the basset hounds. We had a rough night with teething and having a slight cold so Levi thought it was best to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors, regardless of the weather. This is about five miles from our house in Maple Falls.

The Falls
Hiking on Daddy's back

She LOVED the water

Right after this picture, there was a branch in Clair's face - she actually opened her mouth and tried to bite/lick the branch - Yep that is our baby.

Mr. Duncan - enjoying his time outside. Old man is almost seven years old.

Mama & Clairana by the falls, she does have a snow suit on - it really is not that cold, just makes it convenient not to have to worry about her being cold no matter how long we stay out.

Family Photo
Dharma Jean in the water - she doesnt care that it is probably 40 degrees.

All bundled up in the B.O.B.

Must have wore this girl out because she fell asleep on the way home and well she is still asleep 2 hrs later!

Laundry Helper

I think Levi is trying to train Clair to take over the laundry.... she is almost passing him up at this point. :)
Got to have her BINK in the morning.

First Birthday Party

A girlfriend of mine, Catherine, invited us to her son's 2nd birthday PARTY.
Althought I forgot to take the camera to get a picture of the birthday boy Jake - here is Clair's all dressed up for the PARTY.
Someone was exhausted after her first PARTY.
Did I say I LOVE having a GIRL!

Bowling Night

Love this face! Family photo

Happy Little Girl

Grammy & Yogi

Levi showing off his skills!

On Saturday night Terri & Destry invited us out to a night of bowling. They brought their own balls and shoes so we knew we were doomed.....

Anyways, Clairana did great with all the noise and people. It did help that a large group of people were deaf and signing - very entertaining for her.

I must say that I did WIN the first round! Poor Mr. Evans.... And then the 2nd round Destry stomped us in the dirt, but it was something fun and different during a rainy weekend.