Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yearly Gator Vacation

It is that time of year again......GATOR HUNTING. Meaning Mr. Evans heads off to Florida for a mini vacation. Seems like everytime he goes it gets a little more scary, seems when it was just the two of us it was like ENJOY! Then when Clairana came into our life it was like Enjoy... now that Nephi is here I was pretty nervous but said....ennnnjjjooooyyy............

It is going smoother than I thought. Here are pictures from our time together minus the main man.

Bike Ride

Story Time at Barnes and Nobles with Clifford

She kept inching closer and closer

Feeding Nephi! I am starting to wean him because he is a biter and well I think we are ready for it. The transition has been pretty easy - which I am very thankful!

Laundry Time
**Gator pictures and details to follow.......

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