Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Best

As we were getting ready for church this morning, as everyone that knows me - we must be in the same matching colors or I have a little bit of a twitch during church.

Anyways, Nephi is also in a green shirt to match but of course he was already asleep when I went to take a picture of Clair.
The Jensen family gave us outfits for both Nephi and Clairana as going away presents thinking they would wear them next Spring seems Nephi's is 12 mths. I put the outfit on him today.....yeah he is 8 mths old.

When Clairana put this on today she looked up at me with this big smile and said
" Awwh Princess Dress "
Having a girl just keeps getting better and better. 

Levi and I both gave talks today so this was the first Sunday that the two crazies got to sit with
Kelly and Reni (Levi's dad and his fiancee)
They did okay, Clairana spotted me on the stand and gave Kelly a run for his money but all in all it was great for Levi and I to have a prayer -
a quiet and spiritual prayer.
Thanks you two!

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Back to it! Co-op

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