Friday, July 13, 2012


This past week the world lost a great little dachshund, Franklin. Now Frank had been in my life a long time, I think since I was about 10. He was our family dog which took TONS of convincing to get - my dad was not very excited about Frank but he grew to fall asleep with him in the chair within a few weeks.

The day I got to meet Franklin....

Symone had drove to my mom's house to pick Dustin and I up for the weekend, in my dad's big truck. We climb in and there he was the most adorable little teeny tiny one. I of course was in a cute little dress and wanted to hold Franklin the whole way home. As we started down the road to Crawfordsville from Lafayette I looked up at her and yelled ... something scalding hot is running down my leg! Yep he had marked his territory on me!

Will always remember - Love  You Franklin Lynette Colette!

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