Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Catch Up Pictures

Christmas - this lady is IN LOVE with Toy Story which is really fun now that she has something that keeps her interest. We have started to take Woody and Jessie everywhere with us.

Yogi (Levi's stepdad Destry) with Nephi

Her first PB and J as you can see it was a hit!

Now this has a story, both our babies were actually born on this birthing ball. We use it at home as Levi's pure talent to get everyone to fall asleep. When Levi started bouncing Nephi of course Clair wanted to join in and well as you can see......they are both asleep - amazing man he is.

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Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op! I am teaching Logic and Science this year. No pictures of Logic...