Saturday, November 2, 2024


 We are so pretty.

Family tradition!

 Walking the Wallace neighborhood.

 The weather was actually pretty enjoyable. You NEVER know with Halloween. 

 Halloween pajamas!

 Co-op clean up with Pappy.

 This is what it looks like when I am teaching, and a teenager decides to steal my phone. 


 Lots of paying attention to Science.

 We let our oldest girls run gym class each week and it has been wonderful to watch. Plus, the moms get a bonus break in the afternoon to just chat. The girls come up with their own ideas and so far all the younger kids have loved this class.

 Pumpkin carving!

 Levi came to help speed up the process this year.

 The kids made lanterns during art class.

 Potluck Time.

 Science Fun.

 Morning Assembly with sweet hymns and Andon.


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