Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Around ….

Tori is having her first baby this upcoming month so we had a family baby shower. 

This is my baby brother's girlfriend with her little lady and Cecily.

 One night we did hotdogs on the fire just with the little girls while the bigs were away at an activity.

Lotte is getting so big! The kids took these pictures of her in her chair.

 Loads of peaches! Our peach tree finally produced this year! It has been amazing.

 Little girls went to the Goodsell's house while Levi and I took the olders to the temple. 

 Making Okra. 

 Newest puppy at the Goodsell's house. Clairana with Emelie.

Nephi and Coraline found a friend while weeding.
  Trying yogurt. 


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