Sunday, September 8, 2024

Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op!
I am teaching Logic and Science this year.
No pictures of Logic just yet. 

 The girls made candles for art this week which tied into the Victorian Era.

 Bella and Andon acting out a story in afternoon care.

 I am teaching Science this year for our youngest and middle group - The Industrial Age

 Science with the Excel group. They are learning about the Atomic Age. 

 Heading out the door for our first day!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Bella’s Baptism

Cabella chose to be baptized.
Levi performed the priesthood authority and she chose to be baptized in Jack and Jane's pond.
It was a great evening and the weather held off perfectly. 
All her siblings played parts in the ceremony. 
Coraline - violin
Cecily & Nephi - prayers
Clairana - Poem - My Three White Dresses

Elder L. Tom Perry shared this poem written by
his daughter which she read at his granddaughter's baptism.

My mom bought me a white dress,
Not red or pink or blue.
She said it was a special dress
Like very other few,
There has been just one before,
A dress now put away,
That I wore some time ago
Upon my blessing day.
As a little baby clothed In my first white dress,
My dad held me in his arms,
There to name and bless.
So pure and clean was I just then,
With time to grow and learn
About the Father's plan for me.
My glory I must earn.
Now I've reached the age to judge
The wrong road from the right,
And I am here to be baptized
In this dress of white.
So once again I'm free from sin.
The path is clear to me.
I'll grasp the rod and hold on tight, I vow with certainty.
Just as mud would stain my dress,
Sin would stain my soul.
The key is to repent or bleach,
For whiteness is my goal.
And if I try my very best,
Then richly blessed I'll be,
Wearing inside God's holy house
White dress number three,
So today I make this pledge:
I'll strive to choose the right,
Through this sacred baptism ordinance
In my second dress of white.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Young Women President

I was asked to serve as the President in Young Women at church. 

I spent the last few early mornings updating the bulletin boards in their room at church. Clairana started early morning seminary so we are now at church from 6-7. 

The theme this year for the youth is I am a disciple of Christ. 

 All the girls brought in their baby pictures as an activity. It’s funny how close they all look to themselves now! 

Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op! I am teaching Logic and Science this year. No pictures of Logic...