Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ashli and Tyson Visit

Ashli and Tyson came to visit from Arizona!

 I guess Levi and I didn't switch poses from the 'silly pose' photo. We were too slow. 

 Silly Photo. Sorta.

Dinner with the grandparents.

 They got a hotel for a few nights and we went over to swim. 

 Aunt Ashli with the girls.

 Lotte's first swim. 

 We had dinner one night out at Pappy and Bubbe's house.

 We lite lanterns and sent them off with a wish. 

 Gator Rides.

Tired Baby.


 Ashli took this of me - gathering berries for dinner with Bella and Lotte.

 We went to the movies.

 Play Time.


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