Monday, August 26, 2024

Ensley’s bowling party!

 We celebrated Miss. Ensley this past weekend!   Can’t believe she is 10! We had a great time and it’s so nice to see mom and Randy out and about again. 
I had the worst game ever and I blame it on my church clothes…..


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Columbian Park

I have been meaning to take the younger crew to the loc zoo and in particular ride the train for Cecily. It worked out perfectly to go with mom and Randy too! 

Train ride! Extra special because we knew the conductor. It’s a sweet girl whose dad is a train engineer. 

Big kids came too! 

 Petting a lizard!

Penguins were a big hit.

 When we got home. 


Life lately

 Creek time on the island. 

Activity Days - Tea Party Night 

 Nephi went hiking at Happy Hollow for his weekly activity.

Cecily took this while I was organizing books for school with my little tag along. 

Blackberries in the garden. 

Nephi is doing Cartography this year! 


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Kirkland Youth Trip

Clairana and Nephi went on another church trip to Kirkland Ohio to learn more about our church’s history. 
I picked them up from church late late last night so we are all rather beat today. So blessed they get to do so many things! 

Kruger family went along too!

They stopped at a deer farm. 


Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op! I am teaching Logic and Science this year. No pictures of Logic...