Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Ice Skating

Homeschool Field Trip!
I booked the ice-skating rink for our 4H group but also invited several other homeschool friends/co-opers to join as well. It was a great time. I love how many people in our community homeschool. 

Bella's day was complete with Lyla.

 Friends from church came too. Cecily got to ride on shoulders and watch them maintenance the rink.

Cecily and Millie with the best view.

Part of the group - the rest were inside waiting to head back out after they serviced the rink.

 Inside! I didn't take any of these pictures, but I am thankful!

 First timers! Thankfully, they did have two of these helpers but next year we will have to bring more. 

Coraline with buddies.


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