Wednesday, January 31, 2024


This is part of the late afternoon cleaning crew......I don't know how well they do. Nine more weeks!

 Pile Up

Little Goodsell with Teenage Goodsell sweeping the floor.

 Me teaching their writing class. Last class of the day calls for random dancing by me. Poor children.

 Current all day Wednesday position.

Littlest besties.


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Ice Skating

Homeschool Field Trip!
I booked the ice-skating rink for our 4H group but also invited several other homeschool friends/co-opers to join as well. It was a great time. I love how many people in our community homeschool. 

Bella's day was complete with Lyla.

 Friends from church came too. Cecily got to ride on shoulders and watch them maintenance the rink.

Cecily and Millie with the best view.

Part of the group - the rest were inside waiting to head back out after they serviced the rink.

 Inside! I didn't take any of these pictures, but I am thankful!

 First timers! Thankfully, they did have two of these helpers but next year we will have to bring more. 

Coraline with buddies.


Monday, January 29, 2024

Nephi - Church

Nephi is now the Deacon's president and spoke about being Christ like on Sunday.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Puppies & Life

Lots of mornings laying around this winter loving on the newest addition. 

Clairana and Charlotte 

 Puppies all bathed and ready for their new homes!


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, we went to church and then kept with the tradition of going to Grandma and Grandpa Brigham's house with my siblings to open presents. 

 Elfy brought his wife this year!

 Kreed with Nephi

 Levi and Nick

 Grandchildren with Mom and Randy!

 Dustin with Lotte

 Clariana with Reagan

 Coraline and Charlotte


Minus Nephi he had to run in and get ready for the service. 



I have LOADS of catch up to do. 
Making atoms with marshmallows.

This had to be documented, Millie was cleaning the gym floor and before we knew it all the kids thought this was very interesting. I told her I don't think she needs to plan lessons anymore. Cleaning skid marks on the floor will do!


Nephi and Cecily

This sums up most afternoons in co-op. Nephi is arm wrestling Anneke. 


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Life with Lotte

Coraline started lessons on the violin. Her teacher is wonderful. Clairana and I have been sitting in on her lessons to learn a little bit ourselves. 
Everyone loves her so much. She rarely is ever sat down. 


A sweet friend made this hat for her, and we keep waiting for it to fit!