Thursday, August 31, 2023

Co-op Day

Writing class this week was with me and my growing belly! A little over a month left till number six arrives. 

I have been filling in for this class for a family that will join us next week. I have enjoyed teaching this class. Especially because it is Coraline's first year as well as a hand full of other first years - they are all blowing me away with how well they are doing!

 Gym time was 4 squares. 

 Science with the Excel girls - learning about density and humus. Potato races and Soil Testing

 Science with Mrs. Mitchell making thermometers. 

Art with Mrs. Flaherty - her mother is a traveling artist and she taught art herself for years. Learning about the Native Americans and making dream catchers this week.
Morning hymns with Mrs. Weaver


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Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op! I am teaching Logic and Science this year. No pictures of Logic...