Thursday, August 31, 2023

Book Club

Goodsell family hosted book club this month. The books were WONDERFUL. 

The Apple and the Arrow is a children's novella written and illustrated by Mary and Conrad Buff, published by Houghton Mifflin in 1951. It retells the legend of William Tell from the viewpoint of his 12-year-old son Walter. It is set in 1291, during the political upheaval that led to the foundation of the Old Swiss Confederacy.

The ponies of eastern Maryland and Virginia, seen here in 2002, were made famous in the book "Misty of Chincoteague."


The littlest bookclubers!
 Brighten led the discussion


 We stayed the day away and it was wonderful.


Co-op Day

Writing class this week was with me and my growing belly! A little over a month left till number six arrives. 

I have been filling in for this class for a family that will join us next week. I have enjoyed teaching this class. Especially because it is Coraline's first year as well as a hand full of other first years - they are all blowing me away with how well they are doing!

 Gym time was 4 squares. 

 Science with the Excel girls - learning about density and humus. Potato races and Soil Testing

 Science with Mrs. Mitchell making thermometers. 

Art with Mrs. Flaherty - her mother is a traveling artist and she taught art herself for years. Learning about the Native Americans and making dream catchers this week.
Morning hymns with Mrs. Weaver


Mitchell Party

The Michell girls had a birthday party filled with loads of girl time! I dropped all three girls off for the afternoon and they had a blast. 
Lots of singing and karaoke time. 


Friday, August 25, 2023

Creek Date

The Dale family stopped by to play in the creek and collect clay. We have had several people here the past two weeks working on the pipeline. 


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Weekly Homeschool Day

Mrs. Elliott teaching Latin. She is wonderful. 

 Mrs. Mitchell teaching about atoms in the parking lot.

 Mrs. Goodsell does review games for the kids to help them remember their memory work each week. Can you see Cecily and Bella on the end? Cecily is very excited to be real student this year and not in nursery - sarcasm. 

Drew their own atoms and then made them out of clay.

 Nephi and Cecily

 Coraline and Cabella

 I had science with the older girls, and we talked about water molecules and used M&Ms for our experiment to see if water temperature affects how fast the candy loses its color - then of course Brighten had to try and see what they tasted like without the outer colored shell. 


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Around the House

Walks with Rue.

Found these two on my floor all snuggled up together. 


Indiana State Museum!

We met friends and went to the Indiana State Museum. We had never been before and it had been on my bucket list. The Doty and Neulieb family joined us!
I can't say enough good things it was a wonderful day. 

 Nephi and Kaden - outside by the water before we left for the day.

 One floor of the museum they had loads of old cars and a spot to dress up like a hood ornament. 

 Truman with Bella and Coraline

 Although it was not all of us from co-op they asked if we wanted to put a name on our reservation to get a free lunch room so it worked out great! The museum was mostly empty to us all day.

 Steam clock - Bella with Walter and Spencer

 Nephi and Claire N.



 They had one room filled with famous people from Indiana - some I remembered and some I had no idea.

 Mother in law seat in the back

 In this exhibit they thought it was a hit to smell different items and guess what they were and if it triggered a memory for you - from flowers, pickles, cow.....

 Different Music 

 Claire and Clair 

 Charles and Titus in the ice age portion. 
This was an example of a cave found in southern Indiana that was guarded by a jaguar.  The cave was accidentally cut into in1974 by a highway construction crew. The site was then excavated by Indiana University and donated to the museum.  
 The animals were wonderful! It was so interesting to see what animals have been found to live in Indiana. 

 Crazy story of a farmer who found all these bones in his ditch which was in LaPorte, Indiana

Mastodon bones

We had a great day and it was easy to get to and park. I hauled the kids to Costco afterwards. Today, after soccer I imagine will be pretty low key.