Monday, May 22, 2023

Drama! Sherlock & Stuart

This year we jumped into something new. Clairana and Nephi memorized lines and auditioned for parts this past winter and the practices and performances have begun! 
Clairana is a detective in Sherlock Holmes and Nephi is George in Stuart Little. 
The kids have LOVED it so much and are excited for next year. 
They meet weekly for hours which at first we were all nervous about but they have enjoyed it so much.
The shows were this past week and we had lots of family support which was extra special. 

Wallace group showed up for Nephi's performance. 

Nephi (George) with Jeremy (his father)

 Nephi with Adam who played Sid Prince in Sherlock Holmes with Clairana

 Clairana with the match girl.

 This was Clairana's counter partner - Mitchell who also played a detective/police officer.

 New Friends! 

 Clairana with the girl that played a newsboy. 

 Clairana with Brighten who played the prince.

 Abbi came to watch Clairana's performance

 Little buddies.

 Little siblings hanging out in the garden after the show.

 They look happy. Nephi with Jeremy and McKay

 That's better.


 Pappy and Bubbe came to both plays.

 Getting ready!


 Trying on costumes!

 Part of Nephi's group playing outside during break. 


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