Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Nephi - First Sacrament Talk

 Nephi spoke for the first time in Sacrament this week. He has gotten up and bore his testimony many times to the congregation, but this was his first official talk. Children typically give talks in Sacrament starting at the age of 11. Each week we have one child, and two adults speak on a particular subject.

Nephi was asked to speak on the Youth Theme for the year. 

He spoke mostly about the whole book of Philippians and how it is often called a prison letter and how Paul expresses gratitude, love, and confidence in the church members as well as describes his sacrifices he had made to follow Jesus Christ. 

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).

Bonnie took these pictures online and sent them to me. I think it is so sweet that Bishop is smiling away at Nephi. Levi is sitting right next to Bishop as well; she caught him in the picture to remember the years of service in church. Almost 4 years of being in the bishopric. Cecily was just born when Levi was called to serve. Maybe he will get to wrestle number six in the pew. 

Book club - Basket of Flowers

 For book club this month we read Basket of Flowers - Lauren picked this one out and she led the discussion and craft. We met at a park before the rush of school kids come for the summer. I actually had never taken the kids to Munger park before so that was an extra treat to find a new place. 

Book summary - James, the king's gardener, teaches his fifteen-year-old daughter Mary all the principles of godliness through his flowers. She is falsely accused of stealing, and the penalty is death. Mary remembers her father had taught her: that it is better to die for the truth than to live for a lie, and that the worst pillow to sleep on is the pillow of a guilty conscience. 

The kids did enjoy that the book referenced God by saying Heavenly Father which they loved because that is the more common name we use at church as well. The book was written by a Catholic priest in 1755.

For the craft we made flower bombs - they children rolled out clay and then put soil and wildflower seeds inside. It was a huge hit. 

It's Coming Along!


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Minivan Life.

Officially a minivan owner for the first time. 
It was so hard to find an eight-seater in such short notice, but we managed one. 
While we were signing papers two other couples came in wanting to test drive it. 
Who would have thought vehicles were as hard to buy as houses these days.
Eventually we will probably pick out something else but for now we were in need of something quick to fit us all and it feels safe. I am very thankful not to have to travel far to pick it up. 

The kids are pumped to have a tv again and everyone has more space than in the Volvo. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Mother's Day Music

The kids sang on Mother's Day. .

More than Enough - Mama Bon took these photos as she watches from Pennsylvania every week. 

 Coraline sang the first verse with a small group.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Birds in the Tree fort.

The little girls found these sweet things in the tree fort and have been giving us updates on their growth. 


Friday, May 26, 2023

Coraline - throwback

Levi sent this picture to me, and it just made me laugh. I had to reshare it on the blog. 

Cast and still insist on sitting at the dinner table like this.... toddler life with Coraline.


Kitten Life.

 Little Kitten. Little Spelling.

 The kids made a cute little cat home out of a Costco box for the kittens. Although they will all be outside during the day we do have them in the house to tame them. 

 Alice our outside mama cat seems to be enjoying this co-parenting life pretty well. 


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Adventure Club - Holliday Park

We met for Adventure Club and went back to Holliday Park because some families didn't get to go last year, it worked out perfectly that all new families came. 
Millie, Anne, Katelynn and Us! 
It was such a great time, and we stayed the day away. So, refreshing after a couple weeks of stress. 

 Bella and Lyla. Such sweeties!

 Waiting on lunch. Some of the biggest loves.

 Rock buddies!

 Playground fun.

Andon and Clairana


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Playground Update!

We took down a commercial playground last October and we have all be very patiently waiting for concrete to be cheaper and for the ground to unfreeze. This weekend Jack and Jane helped us put on the roof of the little one. We are all very excited for this to be our main project this summer. 

 Nephi riding the bucket. 


Kittens with Coraline 

We found the kittens! They were born about a month ago and we have searched everywhere! Zona was so proud of herself yesterday when she found them under the tree fort. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Medieval Times - Co-op Style!

We met the co-op in Chicago to celebrate the end of the year with a trip to Medieval Times! 

I won't say it was the best timing for us as we totaled our car a few days prior, but we made it. The kids had a great time. We took up a whole section and our fighter won which was very exciting. 

We stayed the night up in Chicago which made the driving better. 

 Our sweet group! Minus the Brucken family. 

Castle from the interstate. 

Andon loved it.

                                                                                                    Little Friends! 

Cecily and Bella sat next to us so they got the most pictures. 

 Coraline and Bella!