Saturday, January 7, 2023

Clairana, Coraline, and Cecily

 I took three girls to the doctor's office for checkups last week. 

Nephi and Cabella's appointment was cancelled due to the ice storm the week before.

Long ago, I got us on the yearly visits in December and unfortunately, I regret that now. Sitting fully healthy in an office with sick people is nerve raking. 

Clairana - we spoke with the pediatric cardiologist but at this point we don't know anything further. 

They received her last exam results but could not find anything so longer test are the next step.

Coraline - 

Weight 54 lbs 8 oz (34th percentile) 

Height 4'1 (21st percentile)


Weight 32 lbs (20th percentile)

Height 3' 2.19" (13th percentile)

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