Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Well Check - Cabella & Nephi



Weight 50lbs 8oz (65th percentile)

Height 3'10" (39th percentile)


Weight 70lbs (22nd percentile)

Height 4'7.5" (33rd percentile)

Both had not been to the doctor since their last wellness visit. 

Both had big jumps in height. 

Nephi had a big jump in weight - 10 lbs. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Clairana's Recital

Clairana with her friend Adam who also plays the clarinet and piano.

This is half of the group. Kate her instructor split the recital into two different sessions so we wouldn't have to sit for two hours. 


Winter Times

Little Snow. Little Snowmen.


Saturday, January 21, 2023

Science Projects

We have been running like crazy, so it was nice to have a slow morning of just farm chores and we broke out some science kits I have had for too long. 

Levi is under the weather so here's to hoping no one else gets it. 



Cecily took this photo from the sidelines of class.

Erin playing cards with Cecily during our IEW class. 

We had our family presentation this week and it was difficult to come up with something that everyone didn't already know about us. So, we decided to say something new that is happening this year to each of us and then brought Mary Lou's for everyone. 

 Cabella did a presentation on Medusa.

 Science was about worms and decomposers. 

 Afternoon hang out group. All the younger siblings play while their older siblings have class. This week Nathan made treasure maps with them. 


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Sweet Note


Christmas Cards 2022


Coraline - Activity Days

Coraline and Mayley at Activity Days this week!
They had a spa night with their leaders and then talked about how beautiful our bodies are and what a gift they are from God. 


Bowling with Buddies!

We went on a 4H field trip this month to the bowling alley. It was a hit. Lots of little siblings under feet playing. 

Miller girls!

Miller and Reidel Girls with Cecily

 Clairana and Levi in the background.


Puppy Update


Zara ended up with 2 boys and 2 girls! We have been keeping our distance because she is doing an amazing job, but we did notice when we are around, she licks them continuously. 

Which would not be so bad, but it has been chilly for tiny ones. 


Monday, January 16, 2023

Crochet with C & Bubbe

Bubbe took Clairana to a crochet class on Sunday after church and to lunch. 
Clairana was amazed at the talent of the instructor. 
These are the pictures she sent me. 
They had a great time together. 


Coraline and Riley

Coraline has been taking wonderful care of this plant for her friend Riley who left on a yearlong adventure with his family across the country. She has repotted it twice now and it has since taken over my laundry room window. 

He has sent several cards in the mail but without a return address we opened her an email account so they can now write back and forth. 


Book Log.

Just finished this gem. 

Ada Smith is a ten-year-old girl who never left her apartment in London. Her physically abusive, widowed mother is too embarrassed to let her out because of her clubfoot, although she claims Ada is mentally disabled. 


My Book Log

Books I read over Christmas break. They were short but it was nice to get back into a routine of pleasure reading. 

Both were short and precious stories that I will read again. 


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Clairana & Nephi

Nephi's first temple trip! 
Levi took both of them this morning with our youth from church.


Friday, January 13, 2023

Nephi is a Deacon

On Sunday, Nephi was ordained into the office of a deacon. Levi's parents came with us to be part of the ordination. 

 Getting ready for the blessing in the bishop's office. 

We pulled Clairana out of her young women's class so she could be part of the special moment. 
Our big kids just keep getting older. 


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Great Pyrenees

Puppies anytime now! 


Science Time - FROG

 I bought a frog that had dye in the organs so we could spot them better. It worked very well. Our frog was massive. 

Levi stopped by to help with the excitement.

 The kids were not nervous at all - except for Sydney. Which seems to show they are growing because the last dissection I was on my own. 

Nursery even stopped by to check it out.
 I bought super tiny gloves that worked best for me, but some could hardly get them on.

 Younger Science was Soil Testing