Saturday, December 31, 2022

More Christmas Time

More pictures from Grandpa Brigham!

Who are these people? 

Bella, Cecily, and Reagan


 Coraline and Ensley



 Family Time


Friday, December 30, 2022

Cecily Stuffy

Cecily got an animal with her name on the necklace from Gramma Moni and Ken. 
She LOVES it. It's my little Cecily.


Thursday, December 29, 2022

ECG - Clairana

This morning Clairana and I headed to the hospital for some testing. She has been having some heart palpitations for a little while and after seeing her pediatrician it was recommended, we have an ECG. 
At this point, we will wait to hear back from the pediatric cardiologist who will more than likely schedule a full day test. 


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Brown Paper Bag Craft

We made fancy stars from paper sacks. 

 As always Levi's was perfect. 

**These were not all in the same day our children have just been wearing the same clothes for DAYS. I did say how nice it was not to do so much laundry and not go anywhere.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas Time

It has been great and slow which was exactly what we needed. Levi started the holiday sick, and we ended up without electricity but after that settled it has been nice to rest and enjoy winter. 
Levi has been working on finishing our upstairs and the kids and I have been slowly getting ahead on schoolwork and organizing. As well as reading around the fire. Lots. Oh and Christmas movies. 

 At night we read our scriptures and during the month of December we have a candle to light each night with a different name of Christ. 



 We had Christmas Eve at the Brigham house. 

 Uncle Nick.

 Clairana's favorite gift. She wanted a large chest to organize all her things.

Bella got a polaroid camera!

 Nephi got the new illustrated Harry Potter book that just came out.

Coraline got a doll with pierced ears.

 Zona got a new scarf!


 Christmas Eve with my side of the family.

 Eden is such a doll and sang to all of us on Aunt Carrine's karaoke machine. 

 Bella, Reagan, Nephi, and Lee

 Puzzles. We got several puzzles from Aunt Ashli and a board from Levi's parents in Washington.

 We have been sneaking away more often these days now that we have a couple simple rules in place and two built-in junior babysitters! It is amazing. Even if it is only for 30 minutes it feels wonderful. We ran to have fajitas close to the house on Christmas Eve. 

 We changed tradition and picked up pizza for Christmas Eve at Mom and Randy's house.


Clairana got a couple new braid books and her and Bella have been loving it.  Cecily wanted in on the picture time. 


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Around the House

 Hot Cocoa with these two crazy early birds. 

 Games at Church.

Wallace family gave us another gingerbread kit - family tradition!


Clairana - Clarinet Performance

Clairana and Sarah Kruger playing a duet at church.