Friday, January 1, 2021

End of 2020

 Last post before I order my favorite book of the year! 

Although it is the most expensive and time consuming book as well! 

We have been on a roller coaster ride of emotions this past week. 

We have been looking at motorhomes for weeks. We found one we really liked. Levi brought it home and were ready to head south. I was making all our arrangements and then......

Levi noticed the transmission was leaking - nothing that they couldn't repair but we decided to slow down and pray a little more about such a big expense. 

I will always say once you are debt free it is REALLY hard to have a payment on anything again. 

Thankfully so. 

We decided to revisit in the Spring. In the meantime, I thought maybe we would fly or drive down to Florida to get away......then I chickened out. 

Coraline puked all over our suburban yesterday. Probably because she was hungry and her blood sugar was low because once she ate she was fine and now her carseat is super clean. Yuck. 

Here is the thing. To fly Cecily has to wear a mask for the flight. Period. I wasn't too worked up about it until we now know a family that got kicked off their flight two weeks ago because of their two year old not wearing hers.They didn't get refunded for their tickets either. 

I can't imagine the pressure of possibly losing that money. Another Covid mess is if anyone did get a fever (KIDS GET FEVERS) we may end up stuck somewhere or lose our flights anyways.  

See the mess. 

Nevermind. Let's stay home and travel next year. 

We started a house project today instead. 

Levi showed up in the driveway last week and loaded us all up for an adventure!

Seatbelts at the dining room table were awesome.

Zona came too. 

After the disappointment (realistically just Levi and I) of not doing anything big I sat down and just asked the kids what they would like to do. I am working on making all their small dreams come true. 
First up was going to the local climbing park so we masked up and went at 8:00 in the morning - it was empty and awesome. I finished my book and all the kids are old enough now to climb alone. 
I see little bits of freedom ever so often now and it feels strange and lovely. 

New Years Eve - I showed them what Time Square looks like on the computer and how normally it is packed with people. We didn't stay up but they all slept in our room and we had ice cream and brownies to celebrate. 

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