Wednesday, August 23, 2017


TREATS after the GAME!
Soccer Season has begun!
This year we moved Nephi up to Clairana's U8 level and it seems to have worked out great.  Our coach is SUPER handsome (Levi is of course the coach). 

We 'stacked' our own team this year as five of the seven players are our best friends and the assistant coach is Willilams (my girlfriend Amanda's husband.)

Come watch them play! We will be at the fields every Saturday till mid - October! 

Grandpa and Grandma Brigham, Grandpa Rick and Aunt Woody came out to see the first game! 
Clairana was all about waving to her fans. 
I paid a little extra and got Coraline a matching shirt too. 
Aunt Woody with the little girls! It was HOT.

The Coach!

Then we went and picked up Echo our male goat that we got before we left Indiana - he grew a beard!
We will pick up the girls in a month or so when their new bucklings are a little older. 

Sackett the Horse - 14 hands 

Hopefully Buddies for Life!

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