Wednesday, August 23, 2017


TREATS after the GAME!
Soccer Season has begun!
This year we moved Nephi up to Clairana's U8 level and it seems to have worked out great.  Our coach is SUPER handsome (Levi is of course the coach). 

We 'stacked' our own team this year as five of the seven players are our best friends and the assistant coach is Willilams (my girlfriend Amanda's husband.)

Come watch them play! We will be at the fields every Saturday till mid - October! 

Grandpa and Grandma Brigham, Grandpa Rick and Aunt Woody came out to see the first game! 
Clairana was all about waving to her fans. 
I paid a little extra and got Coraline a matching shirt too. 
Aunt Woody with the little girls! It was HOT.

The Coach!

Then we went and picked up Echo our male goat that we got before we left Indiana - he grew a beard!
We will pick up the girls in a month or so when their new bucklings are a little older. 

Sackett the Horse - 14 hands 

Hopefully Buddies for Life!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Around the Mini Farm

This is on Friday evening, after we found out the horse was coming! I loaded 22 five gallon buckets back to his new pasture area. We need to buy a longer hose....or get water out to his barn. 
Of course, after we were finishing up and looked homeless....our neighbor came over to introduce himself and brought garden treats.

Bat Life

Our weekend was pretty crazy with the Fair, Sackett, Echo, Church, Birthday Party....and a BAT.
We were just home from church eating lunch before rushing out the door for our niece's 3rd birthday party and I looked up to find this guy hanging out with us.

We were very prepared I managed to get everyone ready and out the door while Levi prepared by hanging up blankets and getting a box....We were ready for craziness. 
The bat nicely laid in the box and we took it outside that was it. 
Nothing big and crazy.
He was pretty cool to see all spread out though.

Indiana State Fair

Levi's Aunt Rene brought over tickets for us to go to the Indiana State Fair last week. 
It turned out to be perfect timing - our little girls had finally gotten over their sickness and all other school kids had went back to school.. 
Levi took his first vacation day from his new job and we headed to Indianapolis. 
We ended up going on horse day so we got to see lots of beautiful HUGE horses. 
It was raining off and on but that just made our time better and lots less people. 

Coraline decided she would pretend to be asleep. Of course she did.

They got to shoot at the fair. The officers were actually surprised with Nephi and Clairana and that they could hit the target. Nephi responded by "oh yeah we did this in Arizona in our backyard"

Waiting to go pee! 

We added our fish to the board.

Budweiser Clydesdale

Monday, August 14, 2017


I greatly enjoy putting so much effort into teaching them. It makes my heart happy to be the one with them all day. Their Rock. 
Its hard and some days are rough and I do get anxiety and stress over another homeschooling year, but the blessings of being together are well worth it. 
I always say how blessed I am to stay home and homeschool and for our freedom to do so.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Clairana's Talents

Clairana took this picture off of our front porch - isn't it amazing!
So Beautiful. 

She drew our family when we were waiting on groceries the other day. She definitely has an art talent.

Night with Dad

Since our littles have been sick for so long, I went out and had dinner with a girlfriend to get some relief. 
Levi sent me this picture during my time away. 
He always cracks me up.

Around the House

Kissing Photos! 

Found this one of Levi's grandparents with us at our wedding. Poor Jack and Jane have to deal with us all the time now as we are neighbors. 

These are all the people that have passed since we have been married. Although not the best pictures, I thought it was perfect to frame. 

Our wedding 11 years ago. 

It is starting to come along....

Sunday Best - Partial

Levi took the olders to church today because they are starting to develop friendships and are excited to go which makes my heart so happy. 
Cabella and Coraline have been sick and although I am sure they are not contagious anymore, I would feel awful to get anyone else sick .... so the littles stayed home with me. 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Mr. Deer

This guy has traveled with us since the beginning....he fed us as poor college kids. 
Perfect Marriage Compromise.
Little Hunter. Little Class. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Sunday Best

Levi and I had to both speak in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday - thankfully we now go to church with TWO grandpas and one Bubbe. Plus, they got to try our Trix cereal for the first time. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Around the Little Farm....

I looked out while making dinner and thought this was such a perfect picture. 
They were making flower rings and bracelets. 

When Nephi unbuckled Cabella in the carseat she popped right up!

We decided to get out of the woods (where we are putting up fencing for the goats ) and put a little mulch around our front tree as our small morning outside project.

I love how Clairana is becoming a little hippy with her choker necklaces, long hair, and peace signs. So Cute.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Our New Friends

We have loved all the creatures that we get to see now living right next to the woods. 
This doe has twin fawns and comes out every morning and night most times when we are sitting at the kitchen table eating. 
So Sweet. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Swimming with the Smith Family

Summer is coming to an end for all the school age kids so we have had lots of play-dates lately. 
Part of it makes me very thankful to homeschool and have our summer last a little longer. 
We won't start official school till after Labor Day.

I have been friends with Brandy Terry now Smith since we were in third grade. Crazy to think that Clairana is almost the same age as I was when we met. She has two boys - Jace and Jaxson. 

We had such a great time and Nephi really enjoys having boys to play with. 

Brandy ended up finding this picture in her house - our highschool graduation

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Fair Week

This was the only picture I took from the fair but its from our favorite farm! 
Ms. Maddie showed her sheep for the first year and got 3rd place! 
NEXT YEAR we will be there ALL WEEK!! 
Clairana and Nephi will both be old enough to show!

Adventures of a Kitchen Table!

This past weekend, we moved a project that Levi and I had dreamed about for many years up on the project list. 
A 80 year old (we think) cherry tree fell down across the street from Levi's grandparents house and instead of using it for firewood we took advantage and took it to a mill. 
We will let it sit outside until October and then move it indoors and make a kitchen table! 

Levi worked VERY hard with his grandparents to get these HUGE logs off to the mill. 
I was not much help seems I had four very interested little people who would get in the way. 
But I am so excited and grateful! 

Nephi ended up going to the mill with Levi - we thought he was just going to drop it off and come back in a week but the man insisted on doing it right then.