Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Catch Up on Life in the Evans' House

Life has been a little crazy lately - hopefully I can get back to blogging more soon!
We are adjusting to Cabella's harness and how to tend to her. We were told that our landlord is listing our house for sale so we are moving by the end of the month. Levi's job is getting pretty stressful as he is finishing up the first 'farm' anytime now. 
Did I mention it is SO hot here....

Craziness. We are getting lots of love from our church family and I am very grateful.

We got to relax and enjoy a visit from Levi's sister Ashli and her family. 
They treated Levi and the kids to a day on the boat! 
Which treated me to a day with Cabella and a shower which was wonderful.
Levi's mom came to visit and ended up staying two weeks which was amazing. 
I am very thankful to now feel more normal and be passed the postpartum hormones. 

More Pictures Soon!

Cousin Tyson!!

Aunt Ashli with Cabella

Cooking with Mama or Nephi refers only to me as MOTHER.

MiMi was soaking in all the sunshine here while it was in the 60s in Washington!

My favorite little shop - its a Soap Shop the owner is an old lady from Holland

We got approval to wear her!!!

Ice Cream with MiMi

We had a follow up appointment and we will be in the harness until the end of October....then a reevaluation.
She just likes her one on one time with us!

My Postpartum Bestie came to visit for TWO weeks! She stayed extra after we found out about Cabella - I feel very blessed to always have her as soon as our babies are born. 

Boat Ride with the Bell Family!

Tired Little Cousins!

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Shirts - BE

 Levi thought of this idea for a charity softball game he was in. My shirt says "Base Bid" and all the kids have shirts that say &...