Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thanksgiving Part 1

This year we had the annual Evans' Thanksgiving at our house again! 
It went over really well and I did test myself with a few new things.   

First attempt at becoming more domestic - napkin making. 

Too late for these fools to be up 'helping' make napkins!

And this is where the tiny one is....

Still working the next morning
Attempt Number 2 - I made my own cranberry sauce - SO EASY!! 


Pappy with Nephi & Clairana

Cousins - Liam & Nephi (my twin Dustin's son)

Liam & Nephi

Family with Baby Ensley

Cousins - Madi & Abbi with Aunt Angie, Oma, Mom, & Coraline

Mom with Coraline, Emily, and Grandpa Brigham

Carrine & Dustin (Liam's parents) and Oma

Awwhhh craziness! 

Grandpa Ashby with Coraline

Decided to go shop on Thanksgiving night!

Toys R Us on Thanksgiving night with Aunt T (Levi's sister) & Mom 
Finished - don't look too close!

New Couple Alert!!! Uncle Tanner aka the baby of our family is dating Bailey.

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