Tuesday, December 23, 2014


 For Levi's birthday I got him tickets to a Colts game! It was his first time going to a game and my first time in the new stadium. 

It was great to go on a date! Thanks to our babysitters - Jack & Rene and G & G Brigham!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Picture Catch Up

Cora meeting Uncle Dustin

Allergic to Formula! Instant Hives


ALWAYS THE WINNER! Must be the Evans' gene

Outside with Dad - Selfie

These messy things make me thankful for a sink in the basement!

Christmas is COMING!

Our NEW Christmas Card

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Graduate School - Submission Complete


Submission Complete!

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Here we go! I have officially submitted my application for the Masters/Doctoral (PhD)
program in Human Development & Family Studies under the college of Health & Human Sciences. 

What does that mean?

I have had several questions from family so I wanted to give a brief overview. Note at this point, I have been asked by Dr. Friedman to apply underneath his research but I have not received my offer letter just yet and probably won't until February. I will be taking the GRE exam on December 29th - this is a 4.5 hour exam that is required for all graduate programs. Prayers appreciated! 

This adventure started two years ago, I was working with several staff at Purdue on their funding from the federal and industrial level on their grant projects. Doing so I met Dr. Friedman who was new to the University and had worked on getting Purdue a large grant that he would need graduate students to work with him on research. I met him and several other graduate students which led to him offering me a position underneath him. I declined the offer after we found out we were expecting this time last year. Levi & I also were invited to meet his wife and their twin boys and get to know his family. 

Fast Forward to this year - Coraline has arrived and we have thankfully been able to save financially for this new adventure and so I was able to stay home and enjoy the kids before heading back to school. Being 'hired' to work underneath a professor means you will be given a monthly stipend (between $1200-$3000 depending on your hours) and they will fund your schooling completely.I will assist with research between 10-20 hours a week as well as attend class. 

After two years in the program I will have a large exam and project which then I will earn my Masters in Heath and Human Sciences. Then the next three years will be dedicated to my own research and publishing my own papers. After defending my research, I will be granted a PhD in Human Development & Family Studies. This will be at least a five year plan which I guess means to everyone the Evans' family isn't moving anytime soon! 

After graduating, I will be able to teach on the professor level or continue working with research or both. We will see! University of Chicago's director was my highest recommendation for the program so this may be an option later. 
Who knows.

The research I will be working on: 
Physiological regulation in middle and later life, psychological well-being and health, biopsychosocial integration, successful aging


Monday, December 15, 2014

Little Things to Remember

Clairana -
She thinks rats really get into her hair and that her little finger is called her pinkie swear. 
LOVES to eat anything on the bone. 

Nephi -
Calls Clairana - Dareana and Coraline - Doraline.... Poor guy we must have named his sisters with the wrong letter. 
Calls everyone in the family his best friend 
Called 'level' because of his straight smile

Long tongue
Best Sleeper
HATES the Car Seat
HATES baths but LOVES showers

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Children's Museum - Nephi's Birthday Event

 This year we decided to start a new tradition. Now that we have three little people it is a lot for people to come to three birthday parties throughout the year. Also, having a big party comes with its expense. That being said we wanted to spend the money that we would have buying decorations and such and take the kids to an event or place to make memories as a family.

We will have cake and ice  cream with the grandparents on his birthday. This is our trip to the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. 

Happy Birthday Nephi Joe - We LOVE our little blondie in the middle!