Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wellness Check Up - Clairana & Nephi

Height       3' 4.75" 
Weight      32 lbs 
BMI         13.55 kg

Stature for Age - 55%
Weight for Stature - 5%
Weight for Age - 25%
BMI for Age - 3%

She is small but growing which is great - no need to make any adjustments with her eating or physical habits. She speaks very clear for her age. 
Continue to read and encourage letter recognition to start the reading process. 
No need for another visit until school starts next year. 

Height       3' 0.5"
Weight      31 lbs
BMI         16.36 kg

Head Circumference - 90%
Length for Age - 45%
Weight for Length - 65%
Weight for Age - 55%

Both tubes still in ears but are working their way out. Speech has greatly improved and will have no problem going forward. Physically doing great. Molars are coming in.
We got great props for him already being potty trained, no bottle/pacifier, sleeps in own bed, and for no baby talk. 
Continue to work on reading everyday to him and having him recognize objects/colors. 

No babies in this house and no need for any vaccinations/visits for a whole year!!! 

Might as well have another one. 

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