Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Clairana's 4th Birthday Party!!

Clairana Colette Evans

How old are you?  FOUR
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite animal? Hippo
What do you want for your birthday? Little Pony & Hair ties
Favorite Food? Chocolate
Favorite thing to do? Dance & Spin

Party Time!

Frozen theme party

AMAZING Cupcakes from Mama Ines Shop
CUPCAKES - Clairana, Maddie, Nephi Joe

Aunt Amanda, Williams, Christopher, & Langston

Nick & Emily (Due with little niece in August!!!)

Grandpa Ashby & Great Grandma 
Aunt T on the Sprayer 

Cousin Abbi & Clairana

Langston with his Popcorn

Grandpa Brigham Supervising 

Levi & Jace thinking about the Slip & Slide

Uncle El & Langston on the way Down!

Frozen Cake

Uncle El AKA Farmer & Mrs. Farmer AKA Maggie

Daddy on the Slip & Slide
The END - With the Pony of Course that she asked for.....

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