Saturday, June 28, 2014

Belly Kisses - Coraline

They are now becoming very comfortable with the growing belly. 
They give Coraline kisses all the time!
We are officially 30 weeks now and have started a countdown with rings at our house! 
I cannot believe how excited they are to have another sibling. 
It almost amazes me how much more relaxed I am about well everything - 
pregnancy, labor, newborn, sleepless nights..... 
Bring on three I can do this! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nephi Joe

I think he will do just fine being the boy in between two girls!
 He seems to already want to be the funny guy and he doesn't even mind pink.

Summer TIME!!

This blog post should probably be called.....POOL FREEDOM! 
AKA no one needs to be held or in a baby floating device but they are able to swim and enjoy! 
We went to visit Oma and Uncle Tanner came along for a day in the sun. 


Uncle Tanner & Nephi Joe


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Livin on the RIVER

This past weekend we took Levi's 'new to us' motor into a shop to see if we can get it ready to put in our 'garage sale' river boat.
We are SO excited to take the kids out on the river in front of our house.
Meanwhile Elliot got a river boat and he and Maggie came up to our house to pick us up for a ride - the kids were sleeping so we hung out awhile and then Levi took off with them to scope out our new playground.
This is what happened!!!
These HUGE fish actually jumped up and hit them and then landed in the boat!
Now because they are Asian Carp they are actually a threat to the river and electrified fences are put in to stop them from spreading into Lake Michigan. So, you are not allowed to put them back in the river so Elliot decided they would be a great treat for his pigs.
Hopefully by next weekend we will have pictures of us in our boat on the river!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Clairana's Party - Part II


Can you see Number Three? Mama & Clairana

Same Old Besties - Elliot & Levi 


New Besties

Nephi after the Slip & Slide

Pony AKA Pappy Ride

I LOVE this Picture - Clairana, Maggie, & Maddie


Present Time

Maddie's Birthday at the Farm

On Saturday, we headed to a birthday party for Maddie - Maggie's daughter.
It was a blast. We got to see everything on the farm which is always entertaining.
Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, and Horses 
Levi also remembered after we visited the horses .....that he is very allergic.

Maggie & Clairana

Daddy & Nephi

Happy Father's Day

On Father's Day we went to church and then heading out to Jack & Jane's for a family BBQ.
It was perfect. The sun was shining, food was amazing, and of course we got to swim in the pond.
I dont have any pictures because we were having such a great time.
As soon as we left the kids fell asleep for the night.
Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Slip & Slide Videos

Nephi & Mama - if you notice I am giving my SIL a lovely gesture for continuing to spray me....

Nephi & Daddy 

Uncle El

Nephi & Daddy after the Dawn Soap.....

Aunt Brandy & Jace 
(they were leaving and he was not having her leave without going down...ooh the life with a toddler)

Clairana did go down as well as several other kids but not too many adults! 
Thanks to Aunt Woody for all the videos!!

Clairana's 4th Birthday Party!!

Clairana Colette Evans

How old are you?  FOUR
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite animal? Hippo
What do you want for your birthday? Little Pony & Hair ties
Favorite Food? Chocolate
Favorite thing to do? Dance & Spin

Party Time!

Frozen theme party

AMAZING Cupcakes from Mama Ines Shop
CUPCAKES - Clairana, Maddie, Nephi Joe

Aunt Amanda, Williams, Christopher, & Langston

Nick & Emily (Due with little niece in August!!!)

Grandpa Ashby & Great Grandma 
Aunt T on the Sprayer 

Cousin Abbi & Clairana

Langston with his Popcorn

Grandpa Brigham Supervising 

Levi & Jace thinking about the Slip & Slide

Uncle El & Langston on the way Down!

Frozen Cake

Uncle El AKA Farmer & Mrs. Farmer AKA Maggie

Daddy on the Slip & Slide
The END - With the Pony of Course that she asked for.....

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ms Tori & Clairana

 This is my cousin Tori who just turned 22 this past month. I remember when Tori was born mostly because Brittany and I were the only girls in the family and we were SO excited to have another girl! Tori is now in Florida and going to college at Full Sail.
 My Aunt Angie sent this picture to me because when she showed it to Clairana on Easter - she thought it was her. What do you think?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Dinner with G & G Gobel

This past Friday, we went to Bruno's with my Dad and Patty
for an early celebration of Clairana's birthday.
Then afterwards they came back to see the house and of course play on the swingset.

Grandpa Gobel pushing Clairana

Patty with Clairana

Nephi hanging out with his BFFs aka Chickens

Look at This!? (Flower/Weed)

Levi & Dad

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


 This is my cousin Brittany and her two little ladies....
Our mothers are sisters.
Brittany's mother Jeanie passed away two years ago from cancer - look at these precious grandbabies she has! Looking at her two little girls makes me very excited to have little sisters!
Brittany nor I have any sisters so we were the closest thing to it growing up.
Ruby & Laurel

Little Red Heads!

This is from two years ago when they came to visit from Tennessee.

Family Fun at the River

This past weekend we went out to Levi's grandparents house
to play in the water and enjoy the sunshine!
Thanks to my SIL I stole some pictures...
I was too nervous to have my phone around the water with the little ones.
Mike & Clairana - FROGS

Daddy helping Nephi

The ANRY Ones- Jeriko & Nephi

Reni was fishing among all the crazy swimmers