Friday, December 20, 2013

Dharma Jean

I hate crying while I type....its hard to see the screen.

Ms. Dharma Jean left us last Friday. To the little puppy that we brought home from a round barn to give Duncan company. She was the first animal I saw give birth as Duncan and I walked around outside and Levi tended to week before our wedding. I got better with the second/last litter. She knew both times when I was in labor before we did. She howled when either one of our babies cried. Ukkk. I miss her. I don't know if we will go down the dog road again because at this time I can't imagine doing this again and even when my children are older. For the past few days, I have been praying that the kids don't ask about her until I can get it together. This morning they asked. Nephi made a kissing sound and Clairana said stop the car mom and let Dharma in (on our way off to work) I told her that Dharma had went to go live with Duncan in heaven. She responded 'Nope she needs to come back to me she is my best friend' Again....Ukkkkkk....

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