Sunday, December 22, 2013

Video Time

CHRISTMAS BREAK - Around the House

We are THRILLED to be home for the NEXT NINE DAYS! Thank Goodness. We are going to attempt to potty train Mr. Nephi!! Stay Tune for the Results!

Oh the lovely Deer....I keep telling my SIL that one day she will have to give in to this lovely piece of artwork....
Stocking by the FIRE
Living Room is coming together!
His Talent
Morning! I sleep with my Motorcycle and my Airplane
Who Knows... Gift from Uncle Tanner



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cousin Jeriko's Birthday

Our Typical Selfie with Aunt T

Ms. Clairana and her LOVE for Sweets!

Uncle Josh's Loves





Friday, December 20, 2013

Dharma Jean

I hate crying while I type....its hard to see the screen.

Ms. Dharma Jean left us last Friday. To the little puppy that we brought home from a round barn to give Duncan company. She was the first animal I saw give birth as Duncan and I walked around outside and Levi tended to week before our wedding. I got better with the second/last litter. She knew both times when I was in labor before we did. She howled when either one of our babies cried. Ukkk. I miss her. I don't know if we will go down the dog road again because at this time I can't imagine doing this again and even when my children are older. For the past few days, I have been praying that the kids don't ask about her until I can get it together. This morning they asked. Nephi made a kissing sound and Clairana said stop the car mom and let Dharma in (on our way off to work) I told her that Dharma had went to go live with Duncan in heaven. She responded 'Nope she needs to come back to me she is my best friend' Again....Ukkkkkk....

Boilermaker Train - Birthday Party!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nephi Joe - 2 YEARS OLD!

Our little man is two today! Crazy how fast time flies.
Loves - to growl or be a monster, hold your hand, give kisses and hugs, give you a raspberry, irritate his sister, bathtime, planes, trains, boots, hats
Favorite drink - Chocolate Milk
No binky and has been using the potty for about a month now - hopefully going full force over Christmas break.
He is completely laid back and has no drama. Although he does like to rowl his sister up.
He sleeps very well - although just like a farmer. Ready for bed at 7:30 no fussing and up at 5:45.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Piano Playing

This was from a few weeks ago but I thought it was pretty cute. They do love messing with the piano. Oh reminds me we did give the binkie up over Thanksgiving break!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Short and Plump Tree

I have come to find out that you can't really have a pretty tree with toddlers mostly because everything ends up everywhere and I am sure it will fall over on someone soon. We did let them pick out the tree this year.