Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bell Wedding!!


These past few weeks have been great running into family and hearing about all our plans to make the trip to Arizona for Tyrone & Ashli's wedding.
It is very exciting to get to see everyone and have a vacation together too. I miss our Washington and Arizona family SO much.
Plus I CANNOT wait to see little Ms. Ashli walk down the aisle - ooh boy
I am already tearing up - waterproof mascara for me!
I swear the more babies I have the more emotional I am.

Anyways, they have put everything together themselves and I am seeing a part of Terri come out in Ashli that I have never had the chance to see.


* I love these two so much, I wish we were closer but it is also nice to have a place to visit that is a short flight. SEE YOU SOON!

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