Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Over the weekend we had a dinner party which ended up being five kids which was TONS of fun.
Other than that we just stayed home and relaxed.
Mr. Nephi Joe

Amanda, Brandy, & Baby Jaxsen

Toy Room Fun with Uncle El (Langston & Jace)

Mr. Nephi in the corner playing

SURPRISE - When we got home from Church! Grandpa Ashby got us a POOL!

Nephi and Daddy on a walk to see the river

The Boys & Dharma

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Love Our House and Our Fence Climbers

I hope to see this view for several years....
our front porch over looking the river and our little climbers.
Crazy how fast they grow!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Marrying someone with only sisters and me only having brothers has such great advantages.
I can laugh and enjoy sister time with Tifni and Ashli especially lately with the upcoming wedding and well Levi gets to enjoy all my brothers.
We have recently been spending a lot of time with Uncle Tanner which is great because
Levi and I have really gotten to know him.
Tanner and I are several years apart so growing up we were not close.
Tanner (my baby brother) with Levi

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Our Week this Far....

This was Monday - Vacation Day 
Stay at Home Movie Day with MaMa

This is this morning - Wednesday (Allergic Reactions Anyone!?) Trip to see the Doctor
This is what Clairana looks like with Poison Ivy -
PS she nicely rubbed all over my neck and chest so we are now matching!

This is Nephi after Peanut Butter Toast

 Oh the Life with Toddlers......

Officer Martin & Shawn - Award of Honor

This was an article posted in our local newspaper. It is about my cousin, Shawn Davis, and the horrible accident that took his wife's life this time last year. This man in the picture below pulled our little Titus who is one month older than Nephi from a burning car to save his life.

Here is the original post from that day....

Shawn Davis can hug and hold his 18-month-old son, Titus, thanks to the quick actions of Tippecanoe County Sheriff’s Deputy Randy Martin, who dove into a burning car on June 4 to pull Titus from the smoldering wreck.

“That little boy right there has made me the happiest of any person in my life,” Shawn said, his voice choked with emotion during a ceremony Tuesday to award Martin with the Medal of Valor. “And he’s still here. Every morning when he wakes up with a full diaper, soaking wet, hungry, crying, I thank God for you for saving my son’s life.”

Sitting nearby, the towheaded Titus didn’t understand strangers’ glances at him during the ceremony and seemed not to notice the crowd’s empathetic smiles in his direction.

“I’m forever in your debt for that. I pray every day for your safety, and I pray every day for my kid’s safety,” Shawn said to Martin.

Tippecanoe County Sheriff Tracy Brown presented Martin with the department’s Medal of Valor for extraordinary acts of courage that endangered the officer’s life.

“The difference between fear and courage is one step,” Brown said. “Randy’s first step on that day was to act and to act with courage and determination.”

“Thank you,” Martin modestly said, downplaying his actions. “I don’t do this job for recognition. I don’t do this job for any other reason than this is where my heart is.”

Martin has been a deputy since 2009 and with the department since 2006, when he started as a dispatcher. He currently is a patrol officer and the department’s K9 officer.

“I come to work with the best of intentions every day that if duty calls, this is what I should do,” Martin said.

Duty called on June 4, when he arrived at the scene of an accident on U.S. 231 in southern Tippecanoe County.

Martin was the first deputy on scene of a three-car accident that killed two people, Brown said. Twenty-three-year-old Kelly Davis’ car was on fire, and Martin and another person emptied their fire extinguishers trying to put out the fire. But the extinguishers only quelled the flames temporarily, so Martin used the empty extinguisher to smash out windows to get to the trapped mother and her infant son in the car.

He climbed through the back window, found then 7-month-old Titus, unstrapped him from the car seat and passed him to people outside the car. Unfortunately, Kelly — Titus’ mother and Shawn’s wife of three months — died.

“Fortunately, Titus is still with us,” Martin said, “and hopefully, he will continue to grow and celebrate many, many, more birthdays and be safe, happy and healthy.”

Titus is that blessing that Shawn celebrates every day.

“It’s an honor and a blessing to stand next to you,” Shawn said to Martin Tuesday morning.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Chainsaw Time

Congrats on your new house - Can I buy a chainsaw!? - I REALLY need one.

Before Picture

*I will post pictures soon of the after shots! Lets just say we have more sun light now.....

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Evening with Mama....

Washington Baby - Nightgown and Rainboots for an evening drive to get Daddy from work.

Silly boy - making our homemade baby wipes

Cheese - Sort of

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bell Wedding!!


These past few weeks have been great running into family and hearing about all our plans to make the trip to Arizona for Tyrone & Ashli's wedding.
It is very exciting to get to see everyone and have a vacation together too. I miss our Washington and Arizona family SO much.
Plus I CANNOT wait to see little Ms. Ashli walk down the aisle - ooh boy
I am already tearing up - waterproof mascara for me!
I swear the more babies I have the more emotional I am.

Anyways, they have put everything together themselves and I am seeing a part of Terri come out in Ashli that I have never had the chance to see.


* I love these two so much, I wish we were closer but it is also nice to have a place to visit that is a short flight. SEE YOU SOON!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Around the House

I will feed myself - thank you!

Popcorn Night

Bath Time (They are looking at themselves smile in the mirror)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dharma Jean

She is actually laying right next to the bathtub with crazy splashers....wouldn't even know she was there. UNTIL someone cries then she is completely alert and wondering when I am going to fix everything.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ms. Heather

Being a full time working mom is HARD emotionally and physically but the great thing is we have an amazing person who watches our little ones and I have complete 100% trust in her.
 Heather and I actually grew up together and were really good friends - time separated us as most school friendships, but when I was struggling to find someone last November she took in Nephi and Clairana and it has been completely wonderful.

I stole this picture from her.