Thursday, November 29, 2012

Last Day Kidz Company

This was taken on November 16th - It was their last day at Kidz Company. This was a bittersweet day because they had just gotten settled in to a routine but we thought a switch would be better.

It started with a bad review of our daycare, nothing too exciting and we had not had any issues personally but it made me question what was the best option for our house.

After talking about it for several several hours I decided to pray about it for a few days. Working with the thought of your children not being in the best place is well not really happening I was pretty miserable.

I was on Facebook and looked up an old girlfriend of mine who I was going to email and see where she took her kids.....yeah she had an incident and on her Facebook page it said she was now the owner of Bright Minds In home Childcare.

At this point, Levi was not open for discussion of in-home because it was less eyes and he really just didn't want another change for our kids after all we have put them through with the moves and me going back to work. So I prayed some more......

I gathered all my information up about Heather's place and decided to see if I could change his mind.


Homemade Organic Meals
Knowing the individual
In-Home (might be better for less structure right now)


Less eyes

*** Much more information but I won't completely bore you - poor Levi......

So, we decided to make the switch, we went over to Heather's two weekends before to test it out with us of course. The kids did really well. Clairana was always having a meltdown when we would arrive at school and after three months I really felt like she should be over that stage. Now, she has fussed a few days at Heather's when I leave but I really do feel that a little less structure and more home-like surroundings are easier for a two year old at least right now. She did learn alot at Kidz Company but does a two year old really need to be going to school?

I am VERY excited about the change and it seems to be doing great. With the holiday they have only been a few days but I already feel great relief and as always you need to listen to your gut.

Plus, I am really excited about rekindling a friendship from my childhood, I remember my parents best friends and how we grew up with their kids and I am excited to see Clairana and Nephi make those same special bonds.
Thank you Heavenly Father for this amazing blessing, how wonderful it is to know that your children are taken care of while you are away from them!

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