Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Month Old

ONE MONTH OLD.....I cannot believe it! Crazy how fast time goes when you are caring for two and sleep deprived. Nephi had an appointment yesterday and is now 11 lbs and 3 oz. Everything seems to be going perfect. I am slowing healing but hopefully two more weeks until I am completely recovered.

We have mastered breastfeeding which is always a great relief. He is definitely a grunter and noise maker all the time - sounds like a piglet. Clairana loves her baby brother she brings him blankets and loves to share binkies.
I think the hardest adjustment has been sharing time between both babies without feeling guilt - still have not figured it out. But the upside is that Clair and Levi have really taken on a new bond as he rocks her to sleep each night as I feed Nephi. So very grateful to have a spouse that is very involved and loving.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes the mother. Wish I had advice for that one! Glad you guys are doing well though!


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