Saturday, January 28, 2012

Family of FOUR!

This was our first trip to church after Nephi's arrival it was also Christmas. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Holding Time

Clairana's first time holding Nephi! 
She loves nurturing him and has started mocking what I do for him. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sledding - Baker

With the first snowfall we loaded up and headed to Mount Baker for Clairana's first sledding adventure. Most kids sled for the first time in their backyard not this lady. 
Nephi and I hung out in the car and watched while Terri, Destry, and Levi ventured out. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One of our TWO Amazing Midwives

We went to our six week appointment yesterday, Nephi is 11 lbs and 15 oz! This was our last visit so of course we had to get a picture with Catrina. I will forever love this woman. Worked out perfectly because with Clairana we got a picture of our other midwife Eloisa. 

I <3 Natural Birth! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The FIRST born(s)

Our FIRST babies are doing great, they are currently being completely SPOILED at Bonnie's house. Clairana still is completely in love with them (Dharma especially.)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Around the House...

She is getting SO big, here you can see her little ponytail and her 'I am SO innocent face' I am sure after this she probably jumped off something or told me NO! 

Loves the jewerly box and sunglasses!

5 weeks old and sick.....poor little man! 
Dang sister that brings home the germs!

Starting to fall in love with his binkie! I guess that means Clairana gets to keep hers for a little while longer. 

She now knows how to show that she is Number ONE

Clairana at 5 weeks old....Do you think they look alike??

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Our house has been full of sickness lately hints the reason I have not posted very often.... I will start doing a better job very soon. We go for our six week check-up on Monday hopefully everything is great.

We did go to see our naturalpath to have her give us some remedies for our sick babies seems they are both too little for anything over the counter.

Here are a few tips: Vicks or Eucalyptus oil on both chest and feet for both
Elderberry Syrup for Clairana to help with the virus
Honey as cough syrup before bed

It seems to be working!

Friday, January 20, 2012

McDonalds - first play area

This past week I found a place to take Clairana to play with other kids her age and get out of the house....well I was overly excited and we pulled up and the sign said closed. I was devastated (I know pathetic really) and well Clairana had no idea.

So what does my husband do.....he jumps on his phone and attempts to find a McDonalds with a play area so we could still take her to do something fun.

She loved it and well we were both VERY sore.....those tunnels are not for adult knees!

Where is Nephi?? He is being a perfect angel just sleeping away and letting his sister get all the attention.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Month Old

ONE MONTH OLD.....I cannot believe it! Crazy how fast time goes when you are caring for two and sleep deprived. Nephi had an appointment yesterday and is now 11 lbs and 3 oz. Everything seems to be going perfect. I am slowing healing but hopefully two more weeks until I am completely recovered.

We have mastered breastfeeding which is always a great relief. He is definitely a grunter and noise maker all the time - sounds like a piglet. Clairana loves her baby brother she brings him blankets and loves to share binkies.
I think the hardest adjustment has been sharing time between both babies without feeling guilt - still have not figured it out. But the upside is that Clair and Levi have really taken on a new bond as he rocks her to sleep each night as I feed Nephi. So very grateful to have a spouse that is very involved and loving.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Catch Up Pictures

Christmas - this lady is IN LOVE with Toy Story which is really fun now that she has something that keeps her interest. We have started to take Woody and Jessie everywhere with us.

Yogi (Levi's stepdad Destry) with Nephi

Her first PB and J as you can see it was a hit!

Now this has a story, both our babies were actually born on this birthing ball. We use it at home as Levi's pure talent to get everyone to fall asleep. When Levi started bouncing Nephi of course Clair wanted to join in and well as you can see......they are both asleep - amazing man he is.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our Doula

Our amazing doula with Nephi on her postpartum visit.

This woman is amazing and we would and do recommend her to everyone! She was with us during Clairana's birth and we knew that it would not be the same without her for round two. She was a great help to relief Levi from the rubbing and encouragement and a great help to me during pushing.

She let me squeeze her hand with all my might to bring our babies into the world so Levi could catch.

Thank you Erin!


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...