Monday, November 28, 2011


Terri & Destry invited us to spend Thanksgiving with them and their friends and Levi's Aunt Bonnie.

Of course Clairana had to wear her Colts jersey to support the day!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nephi's Hazelnut Tree

We are getting ready for the new addition to our family! We decided to start the process of planting Nephi's tree before the ground froze.

He will have a Hazelnut tree.

This has been a tradition in Levi's family that when a child is born a tree in planted with the placenta that help nourish the baby while in the womb. We have passed this tradition onto our family, Clairana has an apple tree.

Snuggle Buddies

Dharma & Clair have become VERY good friends, Dharma lets her mall all over her. Duncan usually gets bored and ventures off to be alone.

* This is our 200th post!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

We decided to head out and get a few things that were on our list for the princess for Christmas. We really just needed an excuse to get out and enjoy people watching. We did get this little lady Nutella and crackers to go (ooh how Wal-mart has the most convenient things located in the checkout)

*Another exciting event for the day was the Comcast guy - helping me get through the winter and maternity leave in the fifth wheel!

As you can see she hated it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Snow Suit Time!

It snowed here yesterday so of course I ran out to the local consignment store and found Clairana snowpants with a matching coat for $10 Yipee!

Then it all melted by the time we could use it.....I guess maybe in a few more weeks. Although if Nephi does not come soon we might head up the mountain and do some snowshoeing after Thanksgiving dinner.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Davis Family New Addition!

Congrats to my cousins Shawn and Kelly Davis on their new addition, Titus Earl Matthew Davis.

Super Excited for them and Definitely Jealous!

Our little guys are going to be so close in age - how exciting!

Catch Up - Halloween

I found this on Levi's phone and thought it was too cute not to share. We went over to see Terri and Destry's neighbors (Fred and Kathy) who just LOVE Clair. They just had their first grandbaby but they do not live here so they like soaking up all of Clair.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Maternity Leave

Yesterday, I gave my notice to start maternity leave, kinda scary to think I will be home with two babies but I am excited to spend these last few days with Clair getting ready for the holidays.

Thankfully, I have two great supervisors that both told me it was for the best and to enjoy my time off.

Any advice on going from one to two is appreciated!!

18 Month Appt

We went yesterday to Clairana's 18 month appointment, two weeks early but things might get a little hectic in our house with the arrival of Nephi so we thought it was necessary to make sure she went before.

Here we are afterwards lounging around before bedtime, seems both Clair and I got shots yesterday - Levi had a real treat on his hands, he is such a trooper.

No more immunizations until she is TWO!

Head - 49 - 95%

Height - 33 1/2 - 95%

Weight - 22lbs 10 oz - 30%

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mmhh Bread

Well, if she continues this bread addiction I will have to blame my mother who gave her the first taste- Seattle Space Needle lavender bread.

We were at the Olive Garden when she decided that instead of her chicken she would rather eat the bread basket and well one for each hand of course!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lounging Around

Fun movie time with Daddy! She is becoming such a little person and now grabs the remote and runs to the couch and waits for us to turn on a movie for her.

I swear she really doesn't watch that much T.V. but I guess she is picking up on everything.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Antique Route

Clairana & I have really been enjoying my days off lately - mostly staying busy and I am soaking up the last few days of having one baby. This past week Andee a girl I met from church invited us to go shopping at the outlets and antiquing. Andee and Baby Boston

State Park we decided to discover on our way.
Adorable moment, Andee and I were talking and turned around and saw this.... Clair had taken an antique hat Andee had bought for her mother-in -law and put it on herself!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Scout Campout

This past Friday, Levi had a Scout Campout. Destry ended up staying the night to help out with all the boys that showed up. Terri, Clairana, and I came up to hang out in the evening and then in the morning. It was hailing pretty hard during the night so the boys stayed in the pavilion at Silver Lake Park.

Clair has grown really fond of these boys and all the attention they give her.

Daddy & CC

Grammy sharing her marshmallow!

Little Camper!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Play Time

This lady has really started to have an imagination and play with her toys. I think we have had some of these toys for over a year just waiting for her to enjoy them.

She also has started to put everything in a treasure chest and then 'hide' them from us. Including her food, pacifiers, phones, etc.

Can't wait for her to have a playmate!

Monday, November 7, 2011

We can see the Finish Line!

Today was our 36 week appointment for little Nephi Joe. Everything is going smoothly and we now get to see the midwives every week. He is measuring right on schedule and they are thinking in the 7 lb area if he makes it to 38 or 39 weeks. He may beat his due date of December 5th and arrive in November....we will see. I am going to try and walk him out shopping the day after Thanksgiving! Black Friday Baby!

Here is what we look like now! Amazing how big the belly can get!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Hound

A few weeks ago, Bonnie (our dog lover/dog sitter) was thankfully available to watch Clair for an afternoon while Terri was in class.

As you can see Tessa was thrilled to have her around.