Monday, September 12, 2011

Little of Everything....

So, I have been neglecting the blog lately and I completely blame my lovely husband. He got this new phone and while on our camping trip encouraged me to not use the camera and use his phone....yep they are still on his phone. So, when he sends them to me I will show everyone our trip.

The other day it was raining out and Ms. Clairana has become obsessed with her swing so Levi being the greatest dad brought the swing into the living room.

Here is a random shot from going out to eat while in Whistler (the only picture on my camera) as you can see Clairana was enjoying the silverware.

*Nephi update - went to see the midwives and everything looks right on schedule. He is about three lbs now and well I feel as though we are both starting to run out of room. Clair is getting pretty annoyed with the fact that now she rolls off of my belly when she is trying to snuggle.

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