Monday, August 8, 2011

12 mth Appt - A Little Late

Guess WHAT!!! We are now over 20 lbs so we got to turn the car seat around last night! YIPPEE! It is SO much easier to drive and hand her things now that you don't have to pull a back muscle and look ridiculous at the stoplight.

Here are the results from the 12 month check-up:

Weight 20lbs 10 oz 25%

Height 31 1/4 90%

Head 47 cm 80%

Addition things: She now is moving on from formula to whole milk - hoping it will add a few pounds to her little body. Started taking fluoride drops for her teeth - don't want to take after Uncle Nicky! She is right on schedule with walking, crawling, talking, pointing, hugging, etc. Next task is to switch from the bottle to sippy cup at least starting with naps. Oh and we are done with her first round of vaccines - three more when she is two then nothing till Kindergarten!!! Hallelujah.

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