Tuesday, May 31, 2011


On Sunday, after church we were sitting in the living room relaxing when Clair decided she would really like to touch our pineapple plant. She could not reach the plant and was getting very aggravated. She proceeded to knock Levi's scriptures on the floor, step up on them, and then attack the plant.

Amazing how fast little ones start to put things together.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Apple Tree - Almost ONE Year

This is Clairana's Apple tree which we planted when she was born, last year we actually got one apple. Look at all the blossoms - we will see how many we get this year!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Carbs Carbs Carbs

This has now happened on two occasions so I thought I would talk about it.... Clairana has now snuck into the fridge and gotten out our rosemary bread. Not the cheap sandwich bread but our nice bread- unwrapped it herself and taken a big bite.

After she took a big bite, she decided it would be appropriate to sneeze all over it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another vehicle

On Monday, Levi got to bring home his work vehicle because his job had officially started. YIPEE! We have been a one vehicle family since November. Although spending the mornings driving in together has been fun, it will be nice to not have to get up early on my days off to have the truck for the day.

Here he is rolling up in the driveway!

Too bad it is a diesel and we have to pay for half of the gas! $5.00/gal is going to hurt!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


We will be getting on the plane in ONE WEEK to see EVERYONE!!! Getting really excited for Clairana to interact with family and friends.....oh and for the SUNSHINE!!

Extra Photo Catch-Up

Climbing around the deck - becoming more and more independent

Static hair! For some reason it looks like she has a tan - don't be fooled we are all clearly vampires here in Washington.

Another corn dog picture - she loves them! Don't worry we do feed her veggies with this.

FAMOUS fridge picture that every mother takes.

Huh ME?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Clair & Daddy being dorks.

This is what she does when we try and hold her now - what happened to my cuddly girl??

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hanging out with Dad on the couch - trying to figure out the bottle.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting Close

Watch OUT Hoosiers - this lady has been pulling herself up on things for about two weeks, she may take her first steps while we are home for her birthday!

Helping with breakfast.

Climbing on the table, she has officially started actually crawling this past week- no more army crawl.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bath time continues to get easier and more entertaining. In the beginning Levi would take a shower and I would be in the bathroom waiting for the hand off.

Well, now this little lady has gotten way to crazy for that routine!

As you can see she is adorable with her new hairstyle and trying to climb out of the tub.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bedtime Routine CHANGES

As most of you know, Clair still is up in our room sleeping. It took us forever to get this child to sleep in her own bed that I thought it was extremely fabulous that she now sleeps in her crib - regardless of where it is at.

Well, we thought about moving her to her room once we got home from Indiana just because that would already be a sleeping challenge. But then after getting up last week our thoughts have changed. Clair was banging on our banister waiting for us to start moving and get her out of bed. She can see us from her crib which makes it difficult for anyone to sleep- when someone is up.

Anyways, we have moved her to her beautiful room. The first night, she was up about six times and I fell down the stairs - Levi sure has his hands full with us! 2nd night she was up three times and now she is up once a night. It has been great - I am afraid the next baby will not have a chance, it is SO much better for everyone's sleeping schedule with her in her own room.

I beginning to think she actually likes her crib - she will sit and just talk and sing before we go get her in the morning. Doesn't this little girl have the most adorable room all thanks to her Dad!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our little baker

While making dinner we have one cabinet that Clair is not really allowed to get in - I left this cabinet open and ran to the bathroom. Well, as you can see I didn't hear anything from her so I slowly made my way back to the kitchen to find her new favorite thing - BAKING SODA. If you look closely you can even see the child safety locks that ONLY work if you actually shut the cabinet.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Clairana just went down for a nap after spending the morning helping me mow the lawn, anyways I thought I needed to blog seems it has been over two weeks so bare with me as I catch up!

Here is a typical Wednesday night at the Evans' household. Levi and I race home from work to pick up Clair and head to church- meaning we usually don't get dinner until around 9:00. Don't worry Clair gets fed on the way or while we are there. So, last Wednesday after getting home from Scouts/Primary I just tossed in a pizza. Clair seemed to really enjoy it! Although can you tell she is exhausted! This lady's normal bedtime is 7:30 besides every other Wednesday.

This may be my FAVORITE picture! Look at her face!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

More Outside...

Yesterday the sun was shining so we thought we would put Clairana in the front yard with the bassets and try to de winterize the fifth wheel and clean the truck - both task were actually accomplished. This little girl kept herself busy with nature.
Enjoying gathering pine cones and rocks

Trying to get over the bolders

Picking grass, she now knows how to pick grass and feed it to the chickens - completely adorable! Levi and I have decided that the chickens must know to be more careful with her because they will peck us but not her.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lori & Jake .... & Isaac

Lori and Jake Griffiths have been our good friends since college. They were our neighbors on campus. We were in eachother's wedding and they now live in Maryland but we keep in touch - especially because we have babies close in age - well now we do!

Isaac Jakub Griffiths was born yesterday at 5:44pm. He weighed 9lbs and is 21 1/4 in long.

Starting the Garden

Last week, the weather started to change (thank goodness) it was actually raining in Indiana and sunshine in Washington! So we ventured outside to start planting some seeds.

Helping with the potting soil

Look at those great babysitters! They do not not wander very far when she is out on the loose.

Watching the bassets wrestle

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I forgot I did take a picture of her before Church on Easter, isn't that little sweater adorable! Her dress was spaghetti straps and it is not warm enough just yet... Clairana with her buddy Finn, we met them for a walk and lunch last week

Priceless. She was sucking her toe so I grabbed the camera and in the middle of taking this picture she must have decided to take a bite.