Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birthing Story

Well I guess we are officially bloggers now, I thought this would be a great way to keep track of all the precious moments....

After over two years of trying we finally got two pink lines!

Mama's Weight 148 (gained 36 pds)

Week 39

Midwives - Catriona Munro & Eloisa Cary Student Midwife - Elizabeth

Doula - Erin de Kock

15 hours of labor

Born at 5:10 am

Weight 6 pds 11oz Lenght 20 inches

First and only visitor in the birthing center - Brother Butch Erickson

My water broke at 2:00 in the afternoon at work, in the mail room. I had a girlfriend/coworker Catherine come to help me in the bathroom by getting me another pair or pants and just being there while I got really nervous for a few minutes. After I changed and got my thoughts together I call the midwives to let them know and then Levi. Funny actually when I called Levi he was in the bathroom so I waited and waited nope no answer so finally I told Megan and Brenda (his coworkers) that my water had broke and I needed them to bang on the door. After this he met me at work and he followed me home. Contractions started mildly on the way home as I had to stop a few extra moments at the stop sign.

We labored at home until 8:00 and then our doula arrived along with Brother Erickson and his wife Patsy and Brother Foltz. They then offered us a blessing for a safe and healthy labor and delivery.

At 12:00 midnight Levi and the doula decided that it was time to go to the birthing center. This ride was very difficult because I was not able to move during contractions and I was really enjoying laboring on my birthing ball. After arriving at the birthing center the midwife checked me and I was at a 2. Completely devastated! Her head was too far on the left and we would need to move her over before I would dilate further. She gave us the option to stay or go home. Levi decided we would go home. After getting home we took the midwives' advice and used a sheet under the belly to move her into position.This must have worked because after laboring for another two hours at home we left for the birthing center again now 3:00 in the morning.

When we got to the birthing center now I could barely make it up the ramp without stopping several times for contractions. I immediately went into the tub to try and relax. This did not work out as well as I thought, I got out of the bath and wanted to be checked for progress, I was now at 8! Thank goodness. After laboring on the birthing ball I then felt the urge to push and later was moved to the birthing stool and then back on the bed once she started to crown. Levi and Eloisa (our midwife) were both there ready to catch. The feeling of Clairana coming into the world was amazing, I could feel your little arms and legs and then seeing her with Levi was priceless. He was all smiles and excitement.

After 1 minute of being born she ranked an 8 and after 5 minutes she was a 10 meaning perfect. As Levi handed her to me she immediately pooped all over-thank you very much. She started to nurse and we laid in bed for another two hours till I stopped bleeding and by 8:00 in the morning we were almost home and stopping by Subway for breakfast.



  1. i love you, i love you, i love you ALL!!!

  2. Congratulations you two! I cannot wait to meet her!! I'm so proud of you for doing ALL NATURAL!! :)
