Saturday, March 8, 2025

Busy times

 A little morning yogurt on the deck. We are ready for warmer weather. 

 On the new side by side. 

 Clairana sang in church with the other seminary kids. She is in orange,

Friends came over to hang out last week. 

 Making pancakes for dinner with little people.

 Activity Days at church, the girls made their own make-up.

 For YW they did a craft for Valentines day.

 Lotte got to join in with the young women because Levi was leading the group of boys at the same time.

 Oh no. 

 She likes to sit and sing or read really loud to us. 


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Farm Call

I was called by our sweet friends down the road to see if I had any advice on their mama that was in labor but the babies (what we thought was twins) were stuck. Clairana and I loaded up and headed over. Clairana actually ended up getting gloves on with us and helped manuever the babies and pulled them out. It was a sweet moment when we realized that it was triplets. Although the first one did not make it these two little ones are thriving now. Even though it was cold and dark, and I may have said a few bad words in the mix of being bucked around while trying to control the mama it was a beautiful experience.


Cheerleading - Faith

 The girls finished their first season of Cheerleading at Faith. I imagine we will do it again next winter. 

Busy times

 A little morning yogurt on the deck. We are ready for warmer weather.   On the new side by side.   Clairana sang in church with the other s...