Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Young Women - Service

 Young Women Service Project - Moving Watermelons and Potatoes from a Purdue Farm. 

Somehow Jody and I got the potatoes....
some were rough and I swear my fingers smelled like rotten potatoes for days.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Shirts - BE

 Levi thought of this idea for a charity softball game he was in. My shirt says "Base Bid" and all the kids have shirts that say "Change Order" with their birth order. 

Maybe our Christmas card look this year......

Coraline is 10!

Coraline is TEN! Can you believe it? 

She decided for her day - 
Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast
Lunch at Red Lobster
Trip to Hobby Lobby
Minecraft Time
Homemade Lava Cake
Extra Special Treat from the Wallace family - Crumbl cookies

To the one and only that flipped our life upside down and made us switch gears.  
Cheers to being at home for TEN years. What a blessing. 

 Grandpa Ashby found her most requested item - newest bracelet making kit. Clairana has had one that is very similar for years.

 Trip to Hobby Lobby - she picked out fake flowers for her new flower boxes to go on the 'cat barn' aka our shed.

 Crab for lunch!

 New outfit and boots from grandparents. Bows were from Clairana

 Levi and I got her tickets to see Lindsey Stirling in November.

 New Gabb Watch! 

 Fancy puzzle from the Ashby family!

 PJs from Bell family!


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Clairana - boating

The Hayman and Clayton family took girls from church out to a day on the water. Clairana enjoyed tubing and racing on the jet skis. Everyone was impressed with how well she can stay on a tube - that's what you get for being a kid that goes boating more often than most or maybe a dad that tries to throw you off....

Clairana with Maddie

Jet Ski Time!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church so I snapped a few pictures. 
He had such a great time with all the Young Men and their leaders. 

Light blue shirt on the side. 
 Front middle!

 Front gray shirt. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Corn Service

For our weekly Young Women's activity we picked corn for our local food bank. 
We picked over 1600 lbs of sweet corn!

 We invited a Muslim youth group to join us as well. 


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op!
I am teaching Logic and Science this year.
No pictures of Logic just yet. 

 The girls made candles for art this week which tied into the Victorian Era.

 Bella and Andon acting out a story in afternoon care.

 I am teaching Science this year for our youngest and middle group - The Industrial Age

 Science with the Excel group. They are learning about the Atomic Age. 

 Heading out the door for our first day!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Bella’s Baptism

Cabella chose to be baptized.
Levi performed the priesthood authority and she chose to be baptized in Jack and Jane's pond.
It was a great evening and the weather held off perfectly. 
All her siblings played parts in the ceremony. 
Coraline - violin
Cecily & Nephi - prayers
Clairana - Poem - My Three White Dresses

Elder L. Tom Perry shared this poem written by
his daughter which she read at his granddaughter's baptism.

My mom bought me a white dress,
Not red or pink or blue.
She said it was a special dress
Like very other few,
There has been just one before,
A dress now put away,
That I wore some time ago
Upon my blessing day.
As a little baby clothed In my first white dress,
My dad held me in his arms,
There to name and bless.
So pure and clean was I just then,
With time to grow and learn
About the Father's plan for me.
My glory I must earn.
Now I've reached the age to judge
The wrong road from the right,
And I am here to be baptized
In this dress of white.
So once again I'm free from sin.
The path is clear to me.
I'll grasp the rod and hold on tight, I vow with certainty.
Just as mud would stain my dress,
Sin would stain my soul.
The key is to repent or bleach,
For whiteness is my goal.
And if I try my very best,
Then richly blessed I'll be,
Wearing inside God's holy house
White dress number three,
So today I make this pledge:
I'll strive to choose the right,
Through this sacred baptism ordinance
In my second dress of white.