Sunday, October 30, 2022

Dale Farm

We dropped by to help tend the Dale farm and check on the pregnant mare. 


Friday, October 28, 2022

Levi's Field Trip

Levi had a private tour with TBird of the courthouse. He said it was very interesting but slightly scary and would probably not be best for kids to go anytime soon. Mostly due to the structure and the small railing outside the top of the bell tower. 

I never knew the building was so beautiful. 


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Coming Soon!

We started messing around with a logo for Levi's company. BE Represented is the name. 

Website coming soon!

*2022 is the year for the Evans house to open two different businesses.


Co-op with Guest Teachers

 Millie teaching cartography and history. 
She tells the best stories. 

 Amy playing games with grammar.

Visitors! We had the Wabash Valley Astronomical Society come teach us this week.

Mitchell family gave their presentation during lunch and made muffins for all of us.

 I peeked outside to check the fenced in playground and spotted this window open. Molly playing with our littlest ones in the nursery rooms. This church space is so amazing. They have a double room nursery with an adult and child bathroom connected. 



Life was full of visitors! 

Levi's sister - Ashli and her son Tyson. 
Levi's mom and stepdad - Terri and Destry

We hiked around town and on the property, went out to Ripple for Levi to show off his fancy restaurant, had a surprise mini party for Cecily and Levi, movies, hot tubbing, swimming at the hotel pool, and squeezed in a little normal schedule life in between. 

We missed a very special one, but we knew he was there with us. 
We talked lots about Uncle Tyrone and shared lots of memories. 
Ashli was so brave and strong to travel with Tyson across the country to be with us the same week a year ago as Tyrone's passing. 

Meme and Clairana

 Cecily's new dinosaur pajamas she got for her birthday!

 Papaw, Clairana, Meme, Uncle Jack and Levi

 Aunt Tifni showing the kids how to break open the egg that holds the dinosaurs!

Kiddos with Tyson!

 Many hikes were taken.

 Pool Time. 

Family hike at the campsite. 

Tyson and Bella!

Old fashion Nintendo time. 
 Sweet Spot Magic

 Movie Nights

Hot Tub Time!

 Ice Cream Stop

 We finished up getting the playground and while we were there the kids discovered all sorts of gems left from the apartment owners. They set up a garage sell. 



 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...