Thursday, December 31, 2015

Does it get any Cuter!?

COUSINS - Ensley & Coraline - Now BOTH BIG SISTERS
Picture from Thanksgiving - Ashby Family Announced on Christmas they will be having another GIRL!

Merry Christmas!

We decided to head about 15 minutes west of our house to take a few pictures on Christmas. 
This is the Colorado River. 

Merry Christmas!!
(Honey just write whatever you want on your board.......) Wife Mistake.

She just hates to pose for the camera....

Coraline still has not adjusted to all the sunshine. 


No Smiles - Too hungry at this point. Lunch it is!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Back in Business!

We just got internet at the house so no more traveling down the mountain to Starbucks to send emails or for Levi to work. 


LOTS to Catch Up on Coming Soon!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

On the Road

We have started the trip to Arizona!
Right now we are driving in Texas.
No meltdowns yet.... but we did drive at night for eight hours while they Lee and I look like we have been hit by a bus.

We stopped in Oklahoma City and walked the zoo for a few hours in beautiful weather. They had newborn gorillas which we got to see up close due to the fact that the zoo was vacant during early morning winter hours on a Tuesday.

Thanks everyone for your love and prayers on this trip. We will miss our Indiana family but we will enjoy this adventure and getting to spend time with Levi's baby sister and her little family.

More to come when I am not entertaining these crazies.


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...