Sunday, November 30, 2014

Family Photos Coming Soon!

My Sister in Law & I went shopping for the little ones and this is what happened....
matching outfits for all! 
We got professional photos taken these are a few I took while getting ready. 
We should get them back soon!

Clairana & Nephi



Emily & Levi with the girls!

Mamaw & Papaw Evans

I am a little behind in the blogging world - Jack & Jane came to visit the night before they headed off to Florida for the winter. 

Papaw & Coraline

Great Grandparents with the newest addition!

Evans' Family Photo - LOVE THIS ONE!
Interesting fact: Kelly (Levi's dad) has two sisters, Levi has two sisters, and now Nephi has two sisters! Glad we have one little man to pass on the Evans name! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

More from the Blessing/Program w the Girls

 Reni (Levi's stepmother) sent these pictures from our big day a few weeks ago.

Clairana at her Primary Program 

My brother Nick with Levi during the Program

She is saying her little part - "I can listen to my Parents" they made up their own lines after being asked the question of what can they do to follow Jesus. Pretty sure I was crying by now. I just was so in love with her and cannot believe how fast it really does go. 

Hopefully she won't curse me one day for her big hair!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Little Lady Number TWO

Grandpa Gobel with Coraline

Mama & Cora - 1st time to Church

OH My....

Daddy with his Girls

Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy Halloween

This year we were going to go as the Three Little Pigs....
Then things changed because of the weather.

The pick outfits changed to black so they could wear the snowsuits and 
the baby pig had to stay home.

They still had a blast with dad though! 

Five Year Celebration!

Yesterday, Randy & Mom invited all the kids over for a brunch... before eating mom announced that she was very grateful for everyone and that five years ago today she was diagnosed with cancer and told that she should do everything she wanted to in the next two years. 
Five years ago, I was pregnant with Clairana but my mom did not have any grandchildren. 
Looking around yesterday our family has grown so much since that day. 

Levi & I have moved back to Indiana and now have three little ones
Nick & Emily have gotten married, bought a house, and now have one little lady
Dustin & Carrine now have one little guy
Tanner.....well the baby has grown up and now working at Purdue University. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I am so excited about our growing family! 
I just love having two girl newborns - the holidays are going to be so full of love this year....especially for my mama watching our little families grow.

Here is our eventful photo shoot with Ensley & Coraline!!

Sleeping & Wide Awake

Now One is Mad.....

Now the other is Mad.....

Friday, November 7, 2014

Picture Catch Up

Adjusting to three and now having to find new renters for our house my time has not been spent blogging - hopefully soon the stress of a rental house will be over and I can do the fun stuff again! 

Here are pictures from the past month. 

Her Picture for the Church Announcements - This is what she looks like when Nephi comes running.

Nephi said he is nursing his baby too

My New Life - Five piles of laundry

FIRST BOTTLE on his Birthday!


Oh True Love

Oh Scary

Bath Time with the GIRLS

Oh Nephi .... My Red Boots

Visits with Oma

I am trying to catch up on all the photos I have been taking lately. Here is a visit from Oma's house - last week with all three and yesterday we went while Clairana & Levi were at the dentist. 

Oma & Coraline - 1st Visit

They LOVE Oma!

Nephi, Coraline & Oma